Author Archives: Alfred Lilly

Banned Books Week

Each year, Banned Book Week acknowledges the fact that not all reading is created equal. Books — and their authors — are routinely challenged, in libraries, in classrooms, and beyond, for their content and ideological stances.

This year, join Lilly Library in commemorating the fight for intellectual freedom to read — and to fight censorship.

Lilly is participating in the American Library Association’s Dear Banned Author initiative. The library will provide stamped postcards on a table outside the library (available now and while supplies last) — patrons are encouraged to take a postcard (or two) and write to an author whose books have been challenged. Let the author know what their book meant to you — or let them know that censorship of reading material is not OK in your book. Patrons are encouraged to take the postcards home with them and pop them in their nearest mailbox when ready — the postage is already provided!

Check here for a list of challenged authors to choose from — or send your postcard to an author not on this list!

Preview the postcards below:

